Buku referensi untuk pemain masuk aplikasi, aplikasi ini sedikit membantu pemain masuk. Ini termasuk beberapa kalkulator praktis dan beberapa lembar info penting. T
A reference book for Ingress players
The app is a little aid for Ingress player. Ini termasuk beberapa kalkulator praktis dan beberapa lembar info penting.
The app is ad supported. Location and WiFi access is only needed for the ads.
Aplikasi ini termasuk:
* Portal range calculator
* Burster damage calculator
* Portal configuration calculator
* Access levels, capabilities, badges, recharge ranges
* AP Amounts you can earn
* Possible resonator numbers
* Single agent maximum portal configuration
* Resonator XM capacity
* Burster and Ultra Strike damage levels
* Enemy portal hack costs
* XM amount by item recycling
Languages: Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish